Friday, December 27, 2019
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Friday, December 20, 2019
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Thursday, December 19, 2019
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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Blood Pressure
On this page, I’ll explain the three blood pressure exercises in details. And how exactly you can use them to reverse your blood pressure- starting today.Good News: New research reveals that one single organ is responsible for almost all cases of high blood pressure. Contrary to what you may think it’s NOT..the heart the kidneys the arteries…or any other cardiovascular organ.By addressing the one organ responsible you can lower your blood pressure without:
medications supplements diet changes strenuous exercises
Starting Today!
AND it doesn’t matter if you’re: overweight out of shape older than the dawn of time In fact, you can lower your blood pressure from home in an extremely pleasurable, relaxing way.Not only will you lower your blood pressure, you’ll also address any damage already done to your arteries.And did I mention you’ll avoid the side effects of medications? This is No Mumbo Jumbo! What I’m about to share with you is based on research from some of the most respected health institutes in the world.
But…Here is a fact you MUST understand first…You see, in 95% of cases doctors have no idea what causes high blood pressure.Sure, they’ll list some indicators, like: Smoking
Being overweight Lack of physical activity Too much salt Excess alcohol consumption Stress Aging
Genetics Poor diet…and so on, and so on! But, almost always, if pushed, they’ll have to admit that they have no idea what causes high blood pressure.I didn’t make this up; it’s clearly stated on the well-known doctor-run site [1]. So, traditionally, you’re pushed to treat your high blood pressure with drugs that can cause serious side effects, without anyone knowing what caused your high blood pressure in the first place. So How Are They Going To Reverse It?
You can’t fix anything when you don’t know what caused it, can you? But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself…I was going to tell you about the ONE organ that causes almost all cases of high blood pressure.First, I should probably introduce myself and explain why you need to listen to me.
Hi, my name is Christian Goodman.
I’m quite well-known in the alternative health field. I’m the author of several books and thousands of research articles.Most importantly, my blood pressure used to average 185/129.Like you, I was almost guaranteed to suffer a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or some other sudden death brought on by high blood pressure. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, high blood pressure is the leading cause of death worldwide [2]. Like a high-speed, multi-car highway accident, high blood pressure will hit you without a warning—anytime, anywhere. One minute you’re shoveling snow off your driveway, full of energy, the next you’re in the emergency room or worse. So You Understand How Terrified I Was…Not just of dying, but of leaving my family behind, without support.
As an alternative health expert I thought lowering my blood pressure would be an easy task. For a few months I focused extensively on:
Eating healthy
Working out five times a week Taking all the blood pressure supplements I could find…and guess what? At My Next Doctors Visit, My Blood Pressure Was EVEN HIGHER! This was not just devastating for my health, it felt shameful considering my life’s passion with natural health.I was helping hundreds of people, tackling almost incurable health issues.In fact, many people lowered their blood pressure following my diet and other lifestyle recommendations. But, like the carpenter who couldn’t build his own house, my blood pressure remained sky-high.Then, a New Study Came Out…As I was flipping through the pages of the Journal of Hypertension – the official journal of the American Heart Association – I stumbled across a mind-blowing study [3].Everyone who participated in the study had been diagnosed with chronic, untreated high blood pressure.
The Solution Was So Simple I Could Hardly Believe It. All the researchers asked the volunteers do was sit down and slow their breathing to six breaths per minutes.
Six inhales and six exhales every minute for a few minutes.
Nothing else.You can do this yourself right now. Why don’t you pause for a minute and as you sit still slow down your breathing for about ten breaths.Feels great, doesn’t it? And it doesn’t cost a dime!
The Results Were Breathtaking! The average blood pressure in the group dropped from 150/83 to 141/78. All it took was a few minutes of slow breathing.These were people from all walks of life; many had long histories of genetic high blood pressure and no other treatments had successfully reduced their blood pressure. Now the Disappointment Hit…Slow breathing definitely helped, but it wasn’t enough to completely reverse my high blood pressure. BUT it got me thinking that there was something to this…Since doctors have no idea what causes high blood pressure, who says the diet and exercise approach is the only alternative method? And who are they to say that medication is the best way to lower blood pressure? So, I began digging, and I tell you……a Can of Worms Opened!
Apparently, hundreds of studies prove that several types of mind/body techniques can significantly lower blood pressure, WITHOUT THE HORRENDOUS SIDE EFFECTS!
Let me give you a couple of examples:
Blood pressure lowered 18 points in weeks In a study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine in 1977, 29 veterans were taught specific relaxation techniques [4].They did these exercises for a few minutes every day. Shortly after, the average diastolic blood pressure (lower number) of the group dropped 10 points. And the average systolic pressure (the higher number)? A whopping 18 point drop! One participant lowered his blood pressure from 153/93 to 106/70!
That’s from full blown, life-threatening hypertension to a healthy blood pressure. All in just a few short weeks. All without any diet changes, strenuous exercise, or medications.Plus, follow-ups showed that the subjects’ blood pressures continued to drop over time.This study has been sitting, gathering dust for over forty years…and no one seems to care. Especially the big pharmaceutical companies.
Here’s another example:
Hardening of arteries reversed High blood pressure damages the arteries, causing them to harden.
And hardened arteries restrict blood flow and gather plaque. This is the main reason high blood pressure is deadly. In a study conducted in South Africa, 60 people with high blood pressure were taught simple mind/body exercises. [5] Within months, not only did they lower their blood pressure, they ALSO reversed the hardening of their arteries! This official study was published in The Journal of the American Heart Association in March of 2000. It Should Have Been World News…
…but for whatever reason, nobody cared.I could go on and on.The bottom line is that mind/body exercises lower blood pressure and improve artery health.You’ll begin feeling the difference after doing the exercises just a few times.Even the very first time. Now, just to be clear, my hippie days are over Even if I should be…I’m not interested in sitting around, eating rice, chanting “OM” and discussing world piece for hours on end. With age I’ve become a pretty practical, down to earth guy.
And so were the scientists who conducted these studies. So don’t expect me to recommend some New Age mumbo jumbo techniques.
Let’s stick to science and facts.
Which, brings us to the next question: Now you’ve seen, in the studies I quoted, how blood pressure can be lowered almost immediately using nothing but simple scientific exercises. The question you may be asking is: Why Are These Exercises So Powerful? It all comes down to what we talked about in the beginning:The one organ responsible for almost all cases of high blood pressure. At this point, you’ve probably guessed it, right? The Brain! Your brain controls everything in your body. Managing your blood pressure is one of its most challenging tasks. Nobody’s blood pressure is stable throughout the day.It rocks up and down depending on activity. When you sit down, your brain tells your heart, arteries, and kidneys to lower your blood pressure.When you stand up, an immediate signal is sent to raise your blood pressure and pump more blood to your brain and muscles.
Looking at a beautiful landscape or listening to relaxing music, your brain relaxes and sends out a
“lower blood pressure” message.
Fight with your spouse and a “blood pressure spike” message is sent, resulting in the release of truckloads of stress hormones.These Blood Pressure Fluctuations Happen Thousands of Times a Day.The problem occurs when your brain is under stress for a longer period of time.This makes your high blood pressure chronic.What’s worse, very often, you may be unaware of your high stress level, even if your body is overloaded with stress hormones. And it doesn’t have to be emotional stress.
You see..There are four different types of stress: Physical stress: Common flu causes a spike in stress hormones. So do long working hours, sleeplessness, and even intense workouts at the gym.
Sensory stress: Traffic noise has been proven to raise blood pressure, as has watching too much TV.
Emotional stress: The loss of a loved one, a divorce, an unhappy marriage, and money worries are a few examples of emotional stressors. Mental stress: Mental stress can put quite a strain on your brain and release stress hormones. Long lasting, challenging work task is an example of mental stress. You can easily handle all these types of stress for short periods of time. But, if stress lasts longer, it triggers your brain to constantly order the release of stress hormones, leading to chronic
high blood pressure.
Also, the four types of stress cumulate. So if someone is sick, loses their job, and gets divorced in the same week, their level of stress hormones would greatly increase. So, What’s the Solution?
Using mind/body exercises, you can give your brain something I call a “Focused Break.”For a few minutes, your brain is not under any kind of stress; it’s like the world stands still for a moment.
In this short period of time, your brain reboots, like a frozen computer. When it starts again, everything flows much more smoothly.Your brain can led go of stressful events that happened 20 years ago in minutes.This is the method proven by tons of official studies to lower blood pressure without side effects.And this is what finally got my high blood pressure under control.There is Just One Problem……there are literally thousands of different mind/body exercises. Some are effective; others may actually increase stress. Many can be extremely difficult to master. People spend decades trying unsuccessfully to control their minds. I examined hundreds of studies to identify the very best methods to lower blood pressure. Then worked relentlessly to improve the exercises, to perfect their effectiveness. After I reversed my own high blood pressure, I recruited hundreds of volunteers to beta-test the same exercises. They gave me feedback then I went back to the drawing board. I realized that some techniques that worked for me did not work for others. Eventually, after years of experimenting, I came up with what I believe to be the: 3 Easiest, Most Effective Mind/Body Exercises to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally. More importantly, I found that to successfully lower blood pressure people had to be able to follow exercises easily via audio instructions.This was true in the studies, as well as in my own tests.Therefore, you’ll get my easy blood pressure exercises as a downloaded audio file or on CD.
Just plugin , press play, and follow along. There’s nothing to learn or master; just watch as your blood pressure free-falls.This guarantees that almost everyone can benefit from these easy blood pressure exercises.You May Experience these Results Mere Minutes From NOW!
Remember the studies I quoted, where people had amazing results within weeks, days, or even minutes? Since you can download the audio files on this site (or order the CD for $2 extra), there is nothing stopping you from benefiting immediately.What’s more, the Risk is All Mine!
Because after you try the exercises, I think you’ll feel like you’re walking on clouds.
I want you to:
Watch your blood pressure free-fall to a healthy level
Feel energized like never before
Stop worrying about suffering a heart attack or stroke
And, with your doctor’s blessing, I want you to avoid the terrible side effects of blood pressure medications. Enjoy the rest of your long life without worry! I want you to be free to:
Spend quality time with your spouse and family Play with your grandchildren (and great-grandchildren) Engage in physical activities and be independent Your first step is to click the Order button below and get your hands on these amazing blood pressure exercises right now.
Remember, You’re Not Alone!
We’re with you every step of the way.
Because, right now you’re facing three simple choices: Watch your blood pressure and health risk spike. You know this will almost unavoidably lead to a stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, or something worse. You’ll worry about your health every day, knowing that each moment could be your last if your heart or head give in.Be a slave to medications for eternity. Yes, of course you should listen to your doctor…but do you want to be a slave to blood pressure medications for life? Or do you want to take action, treat yourself naturally, and get off meds?
diarrhea or constipation dizziness or light-headedness nervousness erectile dysfunction exhaustion
feeling weak, drowsy, or lacking energy headache nausea or vomiting skin rash unintentional weight loss or gain [6] You can also try to (perhaps successfully) make drastic diet changes and work out day and night. This will definitely help your high blood pressure, but will it reverse it?
The effectiveness of our exercises has been proven by numerous studies. Thousands of people have benefited from them.
Effective Easy Quick Most importantly, they have NO side effects! The choice is yours and yours alone, but make it now. High blood pressure is like Russian roulette; every minute you wait, the trigger is being pulled and your risk of harm increases...The only thing that you can do and make this the best day of your life...
Check it out the mind/body exercises.
On this page, I’ll explain the three blood pressure exercises in details. And how exactly you can use them to reverse your blood pressure- starting today.Good News: New research reveals that one single organ is responsible for almost all cases of high blood pressure. Contrary to what you may think it’s NOT..the heart the kidneys the arteries…or any other cardiovascular organ.By addressing the one organ responsible you can lower your blood pressure without:
medications supplements diet changes strenuous exercises
Starting Today!
AND it doesn’t matter if you’re: overweight out of shape older than the dawn of time In fact, you can lower your blood pressure from home in an extremely pleasurable, relaxing way.Not only will you lower your blood pressure, you’ll also address any damage already done to your arteries.And did I mention you’ll avoid the side effects of medications? This is No Mumbo Jumbo! What I’m about to share with you is based on research from some of the most respected health institutes in the world.
But…Here is a fact you MUST understand first…You see, in 95% of cases doctors have no idea what causes high blood pressure.Sure, they’ll list some indicators, like: Smoking
Being overweight Lack of physical activity Too much salt Excess alcohol consumption Stress Aging
Genetics Poor diet…and so on, and so on! But, almost always, if pushed, they’ll have to admit that they have no idea what causes high blood pressure.I didn’t make this up; it’s clearly stated on the well-known doctor-run site [1]. So, traditionally, you’re pushed to treat your high blood pressure with drugs that can cause serious side effects, without anyone knowing what caused your high blood pressure in the first place. So How Are They Going To Reverse It?
You can’t fix anything when you don’t know what caused it, can you? But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself…I was going to tell you about the ONE organ that causes almost all cases of high blood pressure.First, I should probably introduce myself and explain why you need to listen to me.
Hi, my name is Christian Goodman.
I’m quite well-known in the alternative health field. I’m the author of several books and thousands of research articles.Most importantly, my blood pressure used to average 185/129.Like you, I was almost guaranteed to suffer a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, or some other sudden death brought on by high blood pressure. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, high blood pressure is the leading cause of death worldwide [2]. Like a high-speed, multi-car highway accident, high blood pressure will hit you without a warning—anytime, anywhere. One minute you’re shoveling snow off your driveway, full of energy, the next you’re in the emergency room or worse. So You Understand How Terrified I Was…Not just of dying, but of leaving my family behind, without support.
As an alternative health expert I thought lowering my blood pressure would be an easy task. For a few months I focused extensively on:
Eating healthy
Working out five times a week Taking all the blood pressure supplements I could find…and guess what? At My Next Doctors Visit, My Blood Pressure Was EVEN HIGHER! This was not just devastating for my health, it felt shameful considering my life’s passion with natural health.I was helping hundreds of people, tackling almost incurable health issues.In fact, many people lowered their blood pressure following my diet and other lifestyle recommendations. But, like the carpenter who couldn’t build his own house, my blood pressure remained sky-high.Then, a New Study Came Out…As I was flipping through the pages of the Journal of Hypertension – the official journal of the American Heart Association – I stumbled across a mind-blowing study [3].Everyone who participated in the study had been diagnosed with chronic, untreated high blood pressure.
The Solution Was So Simple I Could Hardly Believe It. All the researchers asked the volunteers do was sit down and slow their breathing to six breaths per minutes.
Six inhales and six exhales every minute for a few minutes.
Nothing else.You can do this yourself right now. Why don’t you pause for a minute and as you sit still slow down your breathing for about ten breaths.Feels great, doesn’t it? And it doesn’t cost a dime!
The Results Were Breathtaking! The average blood pressure in the group dropped from 150/83 to 141/78. All it took was a few minutes of slow breathing.These were people from all walks of life; many had long histories of genetic high blood pressure and no other treatments had successfully reduced their blood pressure. Now the Disappointment Hit…Slow breathing definitely helped, but it wasn’t enough to completely reverse my high blood pressure. BUT it got me thinking that there was something to this…Since doctors have no idea what causes high blood pressure, who says the diet and exercise approach is the only alternative method? And who are they to say that medication is the best way to lower blood pressure? So, I began digging, and I tell you……a Can of Worms Opened!
Apparently, hundreds of studies prove that several types of mind/body techniques can significantly lower blood pressure, WITHOUT THE HORRENDOUS SIDE EFFECTS!
Let me give you a couple of examples:
Blood pressure lowered 18 points in weeks In a study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine in 1977, 29 veterans were taught specific relaxation techniques [4].They did these exercises for a few minutes every day. Shortly after, the average diastolic blood pressure (lower number) of the group dropped 10 points. And the average systolic pressure (the higher number)? A whopping 18 point drop! One participant lowered his blood pressure from 153/93 to 106/70!
That’s from full blown, life-threatening hypertension to a healthy blood pressure. All in just a few short weeks. All without any diet changes, strenuous exercise, or medications.Plus, follow-ups showed that the subjects’ blood pressures continued to drop over time.This study has been sitting, gathering dust for over forty years…and no one seems to care. Especially the big pharmaceutical companies.
Here’s another example:
Hardening of arteries reversed High blood pressure damages the arteries, causing them to harden.
And hardened arteries restrict blood flow and gather plaque. This is the main reason high blood pressure is deadly. In a study conducted in South Africa, 60 people with high blood pressure were taught simple mind/body exercises. [5] Within months, not only did they lower their blood pressure, they ALSO reversed the hardening of their arteries! This official study was published in The Journal of the American Heart Association in March of 2000. It Should Have Been World News…
…but for whatever reason, nobody cared.I could go on and on.The bottom line is that mind/body exercises lower blood pressure and improve artery health.You’ll begin feeling the difference after doing the exercises just a few times.Even the very first time. Now, just to be clear, my hippie days are over Even if I should be…I’m not interested in sitting around, eating rice, chanting “OM” and discussing world piece for hours on end. With age I’ve become a pretty practical, down to earth guy.
And so were the scientists who conducted these studies. So don’t expect me to recommend some New Age mumbo jumbo techniques.
Let’s stick to science and facts.
Which, brings us to the next question: Now you’ve seen, in the studies I quoted, how blood pressure can be lowered almost immediately using nothing but simple scientific exercises. The question you may be asking is: Why Are These Exercises So Powerful? It all comes down to what we talked about in the beginning:The one organ responsible for almost all cases of high blood pressure. At this point, you’ve probably guessed it, right? The Brain! Your brain controls everything in your body. Managing your blood pressure is one of its most challenging tasks. Nobody’s blood pressure is stable throughout the day.It rocks up and down depending on activity. When you sit down, your brain tells your heart, arteries, and kidneys to lower your blood pressure.When you stand up, an immediate signal is sent to raise your blood pressure and pump more blood to your brain and muscles.
Looking at a beautiful landscape or listening to relaxing music, your brain relaxes and sends out a
“lower blood pressure” message.
Fight with your spouse and a “blood pressure spike” message is sent, resulting in the release of truckloads of stress hormones.These Blood Pressure Fluctuations Happen Thousands of Times a Day.The problem occurs when your brain is under stress for a longer period of time.This makes your high blood pressure chronic.What’s worse, very often, you may be unaware of your high stress level, even if your body is overloaded with stress hormones. And it doesn’t have to be emotional stress.
You see..There are four different types of stress: Physical stress: Common flu causes a spike in stress hormones. So do long working hours, sleeplessness, and even intense workouts at the gym.
Sensory stress: Traffic noise has been proven to raise blood pressure, as has watching too much TV.
Emotional stress: The loss of a loved one, a divorce, an unhappy marriage, and money worries are a few examples of emotional stressors. Mental stress: Mental stress can put quite a strain on your brain and release stress hormones. Long lasting, challenging work task is an example of mental stress. You can easily handle all these types of stress for short periods of time. But, if stress lasts longer, it triggers your brain to constantly order the release of stress hormones, leading to chronic
high blood pressure.
Also, the four types of stress cumulate. So if someone is sick, loses their job, and gets divorced in the same week, their level of stress hormones would greatly increase. So, What’s the Solution?
Using mind/body exercises, you can give your brain something I call a “Focused Break.”For a few minutes, your brain is not under any kind of stress; it’s like the world stands still for a moment.
In this short period of time, your brain reboots, like a frozen computer. When it starts again, everything flows much more smoothly.Your brain can led go of stressful events that happened 20 years ago in minutes.This is the method proven by tons of official studies to lower blood pressure without side effects.And this is what finally got my high blood pressure under control.There is Just One Problem……there are literally thousands of different mind/body exercises. Some are effective; others may actually increase stress. Many can be extremely difficult to master. People spend decades trying unsuccessfully to control their minds. I examined hundreds of studies to identify the very best methods to lower blood pressure. Then worked relentlessly to improve the exercises, to perfect their effectiveness. After I reversed my own high blood pressure, I recruited hundreds of volunteers to beta-test the same exercises. They gave me feedback then I went back to the drawing board. I realized that some techniques that worked for me did not work for others. Eventually, after years of experimenting, I came up with what I believe to be the: 3 Easiest, Most Effective Mind/Body Exercises to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally. More importantly, I found that to successfully lower blood pressure people had to be able to follow exercises easily via audio instructions.This was true in the studies, as well as in my own tests.Therefore, you’ll get my easy blood pressure exercises as a downloaded audio file or on CD.
Just plugin , press play, and follow along. There’s nothing to learn or master; just watch as your blood pressure free-falls.This guarantees that almost everyone can benefit from these easy blood pressure exercises.You May Experience these Results Mere Minutes From NOW!
Remember the studies I quoted, where people had amazing results within weeks, days, or even minutes? Since you can download the audio files on this site (or order the CD for $2 extra), there is nothing stopping you from benefiting immediately.What’s more, the Risk is All Mine!
Because after you try the exercises, I think you’ll feel like you’re walking on clouds.
I want you to:
Watch your blood pressure free-fall to a healthy level
Feel energized like never before
Stop worrying about suffering a heart attack or stroke
And, with your doctor’s blessing, I want you to avoid the terrible side effects of blood pressure medications. Enjoy the rest of your long life without worry! I want you to be free to:
Spend quality time with your spouse and family Play with your grandchildren (and great-grandchildren) Engage in physical activities and be independent Your first step is to click the Order button below and get your hands on these amazing blood pressure exercises right now.
Remember, You’re Not Alone!
We’re with you every step of the way.
Because, right now you’re facing three simple choices: Watch your blood pressure and health risk spike. You know this will almost unavoidably lead to a stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, or something worse. You’ll worry about your health every day, knowing that each moment could be your last if your heart or head give in.Be a slave to medications for eternity. Yes, of course you should listen to your doctor…but do you want to be a slave to blood pressure medications for life? Or do you want to take action, treat yourself naturally, and get off meds?
diarrhea or constipation dizziness or light-headedness nervousness erectile dysfunction exhaustion
feeling weak, drowsy, or lacking energy headache nausea or vomiting skin rash unintentional weight loss or gain [6] You can also try to (perhaps successfully) make drastic diet changes and work out day and night. This will definitely help your high blood pressure, but will it reverse it?
The effectiveness of our exercises has been proven by numerous studies. Thousands of people have benefited from them.
Effective Easy Quick Most importantly, they have NO side effects! The choice is yours and yours alone, but make it now. High blood pressure is like Russian roulette; every minute you wait, the trigger is being pulled and your risk of harm increases...The only thing that you can do and make this the best day of your life...
Check it out the mind/body exercises.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Vertigo, dizziness, and fainting are common problems that can occur in people of any age, but they are more common among older adults. Although, light-headedness and fainting are mainly caused due to general weakness, vertigo is a symptom in itself that is marked by a specific kind of dizziness in which the individual feels that the surrounding is moving, although there is no actual movement. The person can also feel as if he is off balance, with sensations of tilting, spinning, whirling or falling. Severe vertigo can trigger nausea, vomiting and loss of balance. Some common causes of vertigo and dizziness..
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Discover Over 165 Lost Herbal Remedies Hidden on Your Backyard -
That can Replace Your Medicine CabinetThose Herb Can Help With Inflammation, AutoImmune, Wound, Virus Infection, etc Become Expert Herbalist and Doctor for Your Family Instantly
Friday, December 13, 2019
Unlock Your Hip
The "Hidden Survival Muscle" In Your Body Missed By Modern Physicians That Keep Millions Of Men And Women Defeated By Pain, Frustrated With Belly Fat, And Struggling To Feel Energized Every Day.
Dear Friend,
You train hard, you eat well…it should be enough to keep you in good health and physically and emotionally strong.Yet, there is a danger lurking in our bodies that's not only hidden from us… but which even doctors are failing to identify.It affects nearly everybody, no matter how active or
sedentary you are, or how old or young you are. This problem affects not only our body but our whole well-being. And when I tell you what it is, you'll be shocked…Hip Muscles… because it's tight hip. You see, our hip are the engine through which our body moves. They control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bend, walk and step. Everything goes through the hips. And when our hip tighten it causes a lot of problems in ordinarily healthy and active people, like us. Before I reveal how most people end up having tight hip yet never realize it, let me introduce myself.
Coach Mike Westerdal
My name is Mike Westerdal and I'm a national best-selling fitness author, sports nutrition specialist, personal trainer, Iron Man magazine contributor and founder of the internet's longest-standing strength site In a moment, I'll reveal to you the 10 Key Moves you need to loosen your hip and unlock the hidden power in your body. But first, let me explain just how deep-rooted the problem is.
Here's the truth: Most people don’t realize the cause of their problems is tight hip The impact the hips had on the whole body never occurred to me until I saw the effect of tight had on the health and well-being of my wife after she gave birth.It was only then that I truly understood the magnitude of the problem.We're not just talking about a bit of soreness; tight hip are the root cause of problems such as: Nagging joint pains in your legs, lower back or hips Walking with discomfort Hips locking up
Bad posture Trouble sleeping Sluggishness in day to day life High Anxiety Digestive problems
Compromised Immune System Circulatory issues Loss of sexual performance Lack of Explosiveness in the gym or sports If any of these sound familiar to you, don't worry because you're not alone.Tight hip affect nearly everybody, but few realize the impact on your whole body.
Again, everything flows through the hips.Think of the hips as a barometer. The health and flexibility of your hip muscles are an indicator of the strength and health of our whole body.
PRIMAL MUSCLE… … THAT YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF Let Alone Trained!The Psoas muscle
Your hips are the bridge between your upper body and lower body. They are at the center of your body's movement. Sitting within the well of your hip and lower spine is the psoas major muscle, one of the two muscles that makes up the iliopsoas. It’s often called the "mighty" psoas (pronounced so-az) for the many important functions it plays in the movement of your body.The psoas is the only muscle in the human body connecting the upper body to the lower body.The muscle attaches to the vertebrae of the lower spine, moves through the pelvis and connects to a tendon at the top of the femur. It also attaches to the diaphragm, so it’s connected to your breathing, and upon it sits all the major organs.A functioning psoas muscle creates a neutral pelvic alignment, stabilizes the hips, supports the lower spine and abdomen, supports the organs in the pelvic and abdominal cavity and gives you greater mobility and core strength.When it functions well, it has the power to…… help you achieve peak performance day after day after day.… rapidly drop ugly body fat that stubbornly clings to your body.… train harder, heavier and gain strength faster than you thought possible… hit your peak of sexual health.… flood your mind and body with renewed energy and vigor. Put simply, this muscle is the core of activity in your body. So, when it's out of balance or if the psoas tightens, there are serious consequences which flow throughout the body. And there's one activity, in particular, that's the sworn enemy of your psoas muscle…THE NO.1 ACTIVITY THAT'S MAKING YOU WEAKER,
FATTER AND IS KILLING YOUR SEX LIFE Sitting is harmful It may be the most harmless activity
known to man, but it's also one of the biggest dangers to your health. Sitting! Even if you're the most active of athletes, you may still suffer from a tight psoas due to the amount of time you spend each day planted to a chair. Weakness, shortening and tightness develops in the muscle through sitting for extended periods of time, poor sleep posture and even stress and tension. HERE ARE 3 WAYS THAT SITTING IS KILLING YOUR PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH: Bulging Belly BULGING BELLY SYNDROME Wonder why your stomach still sticks out even though you’re hammering the core exercises every day? It's a common myth that bulging belly is due to weak abdominal muscles. The real cause is likely to be tight psoas muscles, which cause the lower back to curve pushing out the stomach. When the psoas works properly it pulls the abdomen back tucking the tummy in, giving you a strong, flat stomach. Stress Response System FAT LOSS INHIBITOR As the body's "fight or flight" muscle, your psoas is deeply connected to our natural survival instinct. It instantly tightens in
moments of danger to either protect you (in a fetal position) or help you run, fueled by the release of adrenaline. However, if your psoas is constantly tight, it signals to the body you are in constant danger, leading to overworking of the adrenal glands. When this happens, your immune system suffers and your body automatically switches into fat storing mode in anticipation of danger. Can’t shift that weight? Blame your hips also known as your "survival muscle".Lack of Sexual Performance
LACK OF SEXUAL PERFORMANCE Sitting all day causes your hips to become stuck in a forward thrust position. This leads to pulling on the lower back and decreased blood flow and circulation through the hips and to where it matters. SITTING IS YOUR ENEMY IN THE QUEST TO DISCOVER PEAK HEALTH, BECAUSE OF THE WIDE-RANGING IMPACT IT CAUSES TO YOUR MOST VITAL MUSCLE. WHAT YOUR PHYSICIAN ISN'T TELLING YOU…AND WHAT THEY DON’T KNOW
Diagnosing tight hip is tricky.If you've seen a therapist or physician, chances are they weren't able to pinpoint the issue. Buried so deep within your abdomen, it's no wonder identifying it as the root cause of any of your symptoms is difficult to do.It's why tight hip are left undiagnosed and untreated for far too long, as physicians look for a simpler explanation. So understand that this it's not your fault. However, knowing this hands you the power to finally do something about it before it's too late.
WHY "STATIC" STRETCHING ALONE ISN'T THE ANSWER Static Stretching Knowing you have tight hip is one thing. Knowing how to fix your hip is another challenge altogether.
If you trust so-called experts on Youtube and online, they'll have you believe it's simply a case of holding a few static stretches for a period of time to try and lengthen the muscle. Or rolling around with a tennis ball stuck to your hip (as if that will really make any difference).It takes more than a tennis ball and foam roller to unlock your hip…and doing it wrong could cause even MORE damage.
The reason few people manage to fix their hip is simple. It's really a hard area to reach. If you see how the psoas is attached within your body, it's buried deep inside your core making it tough to access. It's a hard muscle to find, let alone train. Hip Exercices Static Stretching Has Its Place - But The Stretch You See Above Is the Best Stretch To Do In The Morning So it's little wonder why trying to loosen it requires more than a simple static hip stretch like the one below you've probably tried before. You've probably found you're spending (or wasting) hours of your time stretching this way only to find it's having minimal effect. That's because you need to attack the muscle from a variety of angles using a variety of exercise techniques and modalities in order to "unpack" the muscle in the right way.The truth is, you can learn to release your tight hip on your own. If you think of your psoas as a combination safe lock, there are several numbers that will unlock it but they need to be entered in the right order. There are a number of specific movements beyond simple static stretching you can use to unlock and loosen your hips, legs and back. Some of these include Stretching STRETCHING: is an acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. It is a technique where you are activating a specific muscle in order to relax the muscles around a joint so you can decrease the stiffness around a joint. Dynamic Stretching DYNAMIC STRETCHING: This is where you are activating the muscle around a joint and moving that joint through its full range of motion in a progressive manner. This leads to an increased range of motion around the joint, warming up of the muscle around the joint and improved circulation around the joint. Think of high knees or butt kicks.
3-Dimensional Core Stability Exercises 3-DIMENSIONAL CORE STABILITY EXERCISES: With these exercises we are targeting the muscle in all planes of movement so the core and abdominal muscles have good activation, endurance and strength in all planes of movement which leads to a decrease in unnecessary damaging stress on joints. Mobility Exercises MOBILITY EXERCISES: In these exercises, we are targeting the joint and doing movements and exercises that help the joint function optimally. This allows a joint to move more freely. Fascia Stretching FASCIA STRETCHING In this unique technique, we are targeting the tissue that muscles are surrounded in and working on loosening and lengthening the fascia. Few people understand the negative effect this tissue can have on your body. Muscle Activation Movements MUSCLE ACTIVATION MOVEMENTS: Due to all of our sitting and daily technology use, many of our muscles are not working properly. With this technique, we're targeting those muscles that are off and activate them in order to help the body move more efficiently.Now you know the specific techniques you need to unlock your hip the next question is how to combine these in the most effective way. Please don't be overwhelmed by the "Shop Talk" above because…LOOSENING YOUR HIP CAN ACTUALLY BE EASY WITH THE SEQUENTIAL FLOW METHOD Like unfolding a sheet or unpacking a parcel, opening up the muscles in your hips requires it to be done in the right order.Try to release one muscle before another and you'll add to your tightness. Getting it wrong really can make it worse.It's why so many people give up trying to fix the problem themselves and believe incorrectly that they have to live with the problem. But hoping the problem will go away by not exercising is just as damaging.To explain in more detail about this flow, let me introduce you to leading Kinesiologist and Injury Specialist Rick Kaselj, MS...Rick is "THE" guy fitness professionals go to when they want to learn about the latest techniques to help their own clients. He's given over 352 live presentations to more than 8,152 health professionals in the US and Canada.I first met Rick when he helped me fix a shoulder problem. He was one of the few injury specialists I met who helped athletes by focusing on getting them back to training, rather than avoiding workouts. Rick showed me what so many other injury specialists hadn't - how to work through the right sequence of techniques to unlock the tension and tightness in my muscles to properly solve the problem. Courtney and Lincoln He's the guy I turned to when my wife, Courtney, was struggling with pain and discomfort in her hips after the birth of our son Lincoln.
In the days and months following the birth, she experienced pain in her legs and discomfort when walking and sitting. She was struggling to sleep.In just 15 minutes working with Rick, he'd successfully unlocked her hip so she no longer felt any pain or discomfort that day. She was able to walk without experiencing the nagging pain in her pelvic area. She could sleep better and could start enjoying those precious days with a little one at home. But Rick's "flow" technique doesn’t only help those in pain. At Critical Bench, our Head Strength Coach Chris Wilson felt his hip were a little tight (from sitting and answering training questions on facebook too much) and tried the same routine Rick had used with my wife. Within days, Chris successfully increased his deadlift by 35 pounds to finally hit that 500 pound pull he had been training for. All because he got to experience thsequential flow of movements that Rick developed to release his hip It’s not about the exercises. THE POWER OF RICK'S TECHNIQUE LIES NOT ONLY IN WHAT TECHNIQUES ARE PERFORMED AND HOW WELL, BUT IN DOING THESE IN THE PROPER SEQUENCE. DONE EFFECTIVELY, THE SEQUENTIAL FLOW WORKS WITH YOUR BODY TO ACTIVATE ITS NATURAL HEALING PROCESS, IMPROVE FLEXIBILITY
WHILE ADDING STRENGTH AND VITALITY. While many of the techniques were ones I already knew, doing the movements in the right order unravels all the tissues including muscle, fascia, connective tissue, and the joint capsule while breaking up scar tissue. Using the right sequence kick starts an increase in blood flow to the area to clean out metabolites and lactic acid and reduces inflammation while nourishing and rejuvenating the area. I've seen, with my own eyes, the power of Rick's techniques on my wife and our Head Strength Coach Chris Wilson. That's why I asked Rick to share with you the very same program so you too can help to unlock your hip and gain all the benefits.
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Dear Friend,
You train hard, you eat well…it should be enough to keep you in good health and physically and emotionally strong.Yet, there is a danger lurking in our bodies that's not only hidden from us… but which even doctors are failing to identify.It affects nearly everybody, no matter how active or
sedentary you are, or how old or young you are. This problem affects not only our body but our whole well-being. And when I tell you what it is, you'll be shocked…Hip Muscles… because it's tight hip. You see, our hip are the engine through which our body moves. They control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bend, walk and step. Everything goes through the hips. And when our hip tighten it causes a lot of problems in ordinarily healthy and active people, like us. Before I reveal how most people end up having tight hip yet never realize it, let me introduce myself.
Coach Mike Westerdal
My name is Mike Westerdal and I'm a national best-selling fitness author, sports nutrition specialist, personal trainer, Iron Man magazine contributor and founder of the internet's longest-standing strength site In a moment, I'll reveal to you the 10 Key Moves you need to loosen your hip and unlock the hidden power in your body. But first, let me explain just how deep-rooted the problem is.
Here's the truth: Most people don’t realize the cause of their problems is tight hip The impact the hips had on the whole body never occurred to me until I saw the effect of tight had on the health and well-being of my wife after she gave birth.It was only then that I truly understood the magnitude of the problem.We're not just talking about a bit of soreness; tight hip are the root cause of problems such as: Nagging joint pains in your legs, lower back or hips Walking with discomfort Hips locking up
Bad posture Trouble sleeping Sluggishness in day to day life High Anxiety Digestive problems
Compromised Immune System Circulatory issues Loss of sexual performance Lack of Explosiveness in the gym or sports If any of these sound familiar to you, don't worry because you're not alone.Tight hip affect nearly everybody, but few realize the impact on your whole body.
Again, everything flows through the hips.Think of the hips as a barometer. The health and flexibility of your hip muscles are an indicator of the strength and health of our whole body.
PRIMAL MUSCLE… … THAT YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF Let Alone Trained!The Psoas muscle
Your hips are the bridge between your upper body and lower body. They are at the center of your body's movement. Sitting within the well of your hip and lower spine is the psoas major muscle, one of the two muscles that makes up the iliopsoas. It’s often called the "mighty" psoas (pronounced so-az) for the many important functions it plays in the movement of your body.The psoas is the only muscle in the human body connecting the upper body to the lower body.The muscle attaches to the vertebrae of the lower spine, moves through the pelvis and connects to a tendon at the top of the femur. It also attaches to the diaphragm, so it’s connected to your breathing, and upon it sits all the major organs.A functioning psoas muscle creates a neutral pelvic alignment, stabilizes the hips, supports the lower spine and abdomen, supports the organs in the pelvic and abdominal cavity and gives you greater mobility and core strength.When it functions well, it has the power to…… help you achieve peak performance day after day after day.… rapidly drop ugly body fat that stubbornly clings to your body.… train harder, heavier and gain strength faster than you thought possible… hit your peak of sexual health.… flood your mind and body with renewed energy and vigor. Put simply, this muscle is the core of activity in your body. So, when it's out of balance or if the psoas tightens, there are serious consequences which flow throughout the body. And there's one activity, in particular, that's the sworn enemy of your psoas muscle…THE NO.1 ACTIVITY THAT'S MAKING YOU WEAKER,
FATTER AND IS KILLING YOUR SEX LIFE Sitting is harmful It may be the most harmless activity
known to man, but it's also one of the biggest dangers to your health. Sitting! Even if you're the most active of athletes, you may still suffer from a tight psoas due to the amount of time you spend each day planted to a chair. Weakness, shortening and tightness develops in the muscle through sitting for extended periods of time, poor sleep posture and even stress and tension. HERE ARE 3 WAYS THAT SITTING IS KILLING YOUR PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH: Bulging Belly BULGING BELLY SYNDROME Wonder why your stomach still sticks out even though you’re hammering the core exercises every day? It's a common myth that bulging belly is due to weak abdominal muscles. The real cause is likely to be tight psoas muscles, which cause the lower back to curve pushing out the stomach. When the psoas works properly it pulls the abdomen back tucking the tummy in, giving you a strong, flat stomach. Stress Response System FAT LOSS INHIBITOR As the body's "fight or flight" muscle, your psoas is deeply connected to our natural survival instinct. It instantly tightens in
moments of danger to either protect you (in a fetal position) or help you run, fueled by the release of adrenaline. However, if your psoas is constantly tight, it signals to the body you are in constant danger, leading to overworking of the adrenal glands. When this happens, your immune system suffers and your body automatically switches into fat storing mode in anticipation of danger. Can’t shift that weight? Blame your hips also known as your "survival muscle".Lack of Sexual Performance
LACK OF SEXUAL PERFORMANCE Sitting all day causes your hips to become stuck in a forward thrust position. This leads to pulling on the lower back and decreased blood flow and circulation through the hips and to where it matters. SITTING IS YOUR ENEMY IN THE QUEST TO DISCOVER PEAK HEALTH, BECAUSE OF THE WIDE-RANGING IMPACT IT CAUSES TO YOUR MOST VITAL MUSCLE. WHAT YOUR PHYSICIAN ISN'T TELLING YOU…AND WHAT THEY DON’T KNOW
Diagnosing tight hip is tricky.If you've seen a therapist or physician, chances are they weren't able to pinpoint the issue. Buried so deep within your abdomen, it's no wonder identifying it as the root cause of any of your symptoms is difficult to do.It's why tight hip are left undiagnosed and untreated for far too long, as physicians look for a simpler explanation. So understand that this it's not your fault. However, knowing this hands you the power to finally do something about it before it's too late.
WHY "STATIC" STRETCHING ALONE ISN'T THE ANSWER Static Stretching Knowing you have tight hip is one thing. Knowing how to fix your hip is another challenge altogether.
If you trust so-called experts on Youtube and online, they'll have you believe it's simply a case of holding a few static stretches for a period of time to try and lengthen the muscle. Or rolling around with a tennis ball stuck to your hip (as if that will really make any difference).It takes more than a tennis ball and foam roller to unlock your hip…and doing it wrong could cause even MORE damage.
The reason few people manage to fix their hip is simple. It's really a hard area to reach. If you see how the psoas is attached within your body, it's buried deep inside your core making it tough to access. It's a hard muscle to find, let alone train. Hip Exercices Static Stretching Has Its Place - But The Stretch You See Above Is the Best Stretch To Do In The Morning So it's little wonder why trying to loosen it requires more than a simple static hip stretch like the one below you've probably tried before. You've probably found you're spending (or wasting) hours of your time stretching this way only to find it's having minimal effect. That's because you need to attack the muscle from a variety of angles using a variety of exercise techniques and modalities in order to "unpack" the muscle in the right way.The truth is, you can learn to release your tight hip on your own. If you think of your psoas as a combination safe lock, there are several numbers that will unlock it but they need to be entered in the right order. There are a number of specific movements beyond simple static stretching you can use to unlock and loosen your hips, legs and back. Some of these include Stretching STRETCHING: is an acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. It is a technique where you are activating a specific muscle in order to relax the muscles around a joint so you can decrease the stiffness around a joint. Dynamic Stretching DYNAMIC STRETCHING: This is where you are activating the muscle around a joint and moving that joint through its full range of motion in a progressive manner. This leads to an increased range of motion around the joint, warming up of the muscle around the joint and improved circulation around the joint. Think of high knees or butt kicks.
3-Dimensional Core Stability Exercises 3-DIMENSIONAL CORE STABILITY EXERCISES: With these exercises we are targeting the muscle in all planes of movement so the core and abdominal muscles have good activation, endurance and strength in all planes of movement which leads to a decrease in unnecessary damaging stress on joints. Mobility Exercises MOBILITY EXERCISES: In these exercises, we are targeting the joint and doing movements and exercises that help the joint function optimally. This allows a joint to move more freely. Fascia Stretching FASCIA STRETCHING In this unique technique, we are targeting the tissue that muscles are surrounded in and working on loosening and lengthening the fascia. Few people understand the negative effect this tissue can have on your body. Muscle Activation Movements MUSCLE ACTIVATION MOVEMENTS: Due to all of our sitting and daily technology use, many of our muscles are not working properly. With this technique, we're targeting those muscles that are off and activate them in order to help the body move more efficiently.Now you know the specific techniques you need to unlock your hip the next question is how to combine these in the most effective way. Please don't be overwhelmed by the "Shop Talk" above because…LOOSENING YOUR HIP CAN ACTUALLY BE EASY WITH THE SEQUENTIAL FLOW METHOD Like unfolding a sheet or unpacking a parcel, opening up the muscles in your hips requires it to be done in the right order.Try to release one muscle before another and you'll add to your tightness. Getting it wrong really can make it worse.It's why so many people give up trying to fix the problem themselves and believe incorrectly that they have to live with the problem. But hoping the problem will go away by not exercising is just as damaging.To explain in more detail about this flow, let me introduce you to leading Kinesiologist and Injury Specialist Rick Kaselj, MS...Rick is "THE" guy fitness professionals go to when they want to learn about the latest techniques to help their own clients. He's given over 352 live presentations to more than 8,152 health professionals in the US and Canada.I first met Rick when he helped me fix a shoulder problem. He was one of the few injury specialists I met who helped athletes by focusing on getting them back to training, rather than avoiding workouts. Rick showed me what so many other injury specialists hadn't - how to work through the right sequence of techniques to unlock the tension and tightness in my muscles to properly solve the problem. Courtney and Lincoln He's the guy I turned to when my wife, Courtney, was struggling with pain and discomfort in her hips after the birth of our son Lincoln.
In the days and months following the birth, she experienced pain in her legs and discomfort when walking and sitting. She was struggling to sleep.In just 15 minutes working with Rick, he'd successfully unlocked her hip so she no longer felt any pain or discomfort that day. She was able to walk without experiencing the nagging pain in her pelvic area. She could sleep better and could start enjoying those precious days with a little one at home. But Rick's "flow" technique doesn’t only help those in pain. At Critical Bench, our Head Strength Coach Chris Wilson felt his hip were a little tight (from sitting and answering training questions on facebook too much) and tried the same routine Rick had used with my wife. Within days, Chris successfully increased his deadlift by 35 pounds to finally hit that 500 pound pull he had been training for. All because he got to experience thsequential flow of movements that Rick developed to release his hip It’s not about the exercises. THE POWER OF RICK'S TECHNIQUE LIES NOT ONLY IN WHAT TECHNIQUES ARE PERFORMED AND HOW WELL, BUT IN DOING THESE IN THE PROPER SEQUENCE. DONE EFFECTIVELY, THE SEQUENTIAL FLOW WORKS WITH YOUR BODY TO ACTIVATE ITS NATURAL HEALING PROCESS, IMPROVE FLEXIBILITY
WHILE ADDING STRENGTH AND VITALITY. While many of the techniques were ones I already knew, doing the movements in the right order unravels all the tissues including muscle, fascia, connective tissue, and the joint capsule while breaking up scar tissue. Using the right sequence kick starts an increase in blood flow to the area to clean out metabolites and lactic acid and reduces inflammation while nourishing and rejuvenating the area. I've seen, with my own eyes, the power of Rick's techniques on my wife and our Head Strength Coach Chris Wilson. That's why I asked Rick to share with you the very same program so you too can help to unlock your hip and gain all the benefits.
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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Would You Like to Know Exactly What to Eat to Lose Fat and Get Healthy Without Giving Up Your Favorite Foods or Starving Yourself? If you're serious about achieving permanent fat loss and a complete health transformation while eating your favorite foods every meal…I invite you to read this page.Dear friend, Is it true? Has modern science finally discovered a diet that can strip off body fat like clockwork, while still allowing you to eat tasty meals like ribeye steak with roasted garlic and butter? Hi, my name is Rachel Roberts. I'm not a professional ad writer, but what I have to share with you is so extraordinary and powerful that I decided to write this myself. So bear with me a little.Here’s The Deal:In my opinion, the nutrition industry is hopelessly broken. Instead of helping people improve their health and overall physical appearance, the world is filled with myths, scams, and flat-out lies.
I mean, it’s obvious the current dietary guidelines don’t work. Just look at the stats. 71.6% of American adults aged 20 and above are overweight, of which more than half are obese![1] Now, if you’re one of the millions of people who follow all the nutrition rules outlined by health and fitness “gurus” but still carry excess fat, it is not your fault! The Truth Is:
No matter how genetically “doomed” you may think you are, and no matter how frustrated you may feel after trying and discarding many diets, you absolutely can have the lean and alluring body of your dreams.You see, getting into fantastic shape isn't nearly as cruel as nutrition and fitness “gurus” want you to believe. In fact, if you avoid the four most common and catastrophic diet mistakes, shaping your dream figure is actually a simple process. Do You Make These Four Common Diet Mistakes That Sabotage Your Health and Stall Fat Loss?Mistake #1Not being in a calorie deficit According to some “experts,” losing weight and keeping it off is all about controlling the types of food you eat.They say particular foods are "fattening" because they pause fat burning and cause a hormonal environment that leads to weight gain... while other foods "balance" the system and stimulate fat loss.While that’s partially true, it doesn't give you the full picture. The reason is that if you want to lower the number on your scale, the most important thing you must do is enter a caloric deficit.It’s simple. If you consume more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight. And if you consume fewer calories than you burn, you’ll lose weight. That’s a scientific fact.[2] Looking for proof? Well, dozens of studies show the vitality of calorie balance.[3-19] One of these is a case study by Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University.[20] He carried excess pounds and, knowing the importance of calorie balance, decided to do an experiment. For two months, he only ate foods like Twinkies, Oreos, Dorito, and protein shakes while maintaining a daily energy deficit of 800 calories.The result? In just two months, he lost 27 pounds and reduced his body fat from 33.4% to 24.9%.Now, I don't recommend you follow such a diet, but it illustrates my point. If you want to lose fat, you must be in a calorie deficit.Mistake #Severe calorie restriction that gives you the metabolism of a 90-year-old lady If an energy deficit of 250 calories a day will get you lean, a 1,000-calorie deficit will give you the results four times as fast, right? Wrong! Many people make this mistake, and I used to do it too before I knew any better.The truth is, severe calorie deficits screw up your physiology. That's why almost all low-calorie dieters regain the lost pounds when they stop the program... plus, most often gain some more on top of that.You see, your body doesn't know you're trying to get ripped for the beach. Instead, because you're starving yourself, it thinks you're stranded with no food.As a result, your body’s metabolism will plummet to prevent you from losing weight. This means that as soon as you come off your diet, your body will store as much food as possible as fat to prepare itself for the next starvation.That’s why it’s essential to eat according to a calorie target fine-tuned for your body, your situation, and your goals.
Mistake #3Thinking all calories are created equal Thus far, we've looked at calories. And while calories are a crucial piece of the fat loss puzzle, they're in no way the only thing that matters. You see, when most people say they want to lose weight, they actually strive to improve their health and look better.The thing is, if you want to accomplish such feats, you shouldn’t strive for weight loss. Instead, set your sights on fat loss. That's because losing weight doesn't necessarily improve health and appearance, but losing fat does.
Now, when it comes to fat loss, calories remain a crucial element. But what is just as crucial is your macro intake. In other words, your consumption of protein, carbs, and fat is vital. How you set up your macros has a profound effect on how your body will respond to the meals you eat.For example, if you consume too many carbs, it’ll be near impossible to lose fat even if you maintain a calorie deficit. That’s because carbs spike insulin, a hormone that blunts fat loss in two main ways.One of these is that elevated insulin levels block the release of fat from your fat cells.[21-23] And if your cells can't release fat, your body can never burn off the excess.Second, elevated insulin levels cause the storage of energy found in your bloodstream to morph into body fat cells.[23-25] This means the energy won’t get burned off by tissues like muscle but instead snakes its way around to places like your hips and abs.That’s why researchers call insulin the "fat storage hormone," and that’s why carb-rich diets make it nearly impossible to lose fat.Insulin is but one example. Optimizing your macros is crucial for many more reasons, so in a minute I’ll show you how to set up your macros to triple fat loss.The best part? The method I’ll show you in a minute from now is effortless to follow and never leaves you hungry. In fact, this eating style is so satiating and easy to follow that you would probably forget you were on a diet if you weren’t losing fat so fast.Mistake #4 Following an unrealistic, overly restrictive diet
Willpower works like a battery – you only have so much of it until it runs out. That’s why very restrictive diets deplete your willpower, increase your cravings, and lead to binging – the exact opposite of what you want when trying to build your dream body.[26-27]
I've seen it countless times before... a guy or gal who is dedicated to losing weight and getting healthy. To kick things off, they start a diet that only allows food like tilapia, asparagus, and chicken. After all, that’s what the fitness magazines recommend.
While the results are great in the beginning and the dieter loyally brings Tupperware boxes packed with "healthy" meals wherever they go, their willpower eventually runs out and that diet gets tossed out the window.Just keep in mind that dieting itself is already hard. Don't make it even harder for yourself by enforcing all kinds of unnecessary restrictions. Otherwise, you’ll likely take on a “screw it” mentally after a few weeks or even days, wake up in a sea of Twinkie wrappers and be back to square one.
The Solution to These Diet Blunders: A Meal Plan Customized to Your Body, Situation, Goals, and Taste Buds If you want to take all the guesswork out of your diet and follow a guaranteed-to-work plan, then you'll love my brand-new custom meal plan service.
For the last few years, I’ve united leading nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to develop custom meal plans that are effective, convenient, cost-effective, and (most importantly) enjoyable.And when I say "custom" meal plan, I mean it. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill, “here are some recipes pulled together from random blogs” meal plans many nutrition “gurus” sell for way too much money. Instead, we tailor your entire meal plan to your own unique situation, needs, goals, and dietary preferences to ensure you experience optimal progress and follow a diet you enjoy. In other words, your days of suffering on ineffective and overly-restrictive diets are finally over. It's time to start working based on a method that's best for you.What Truly Sets These Meal Plans Apart is that They’re Based on the Diet Unless you were lost in the Himalayas for the last few years, I bet you've heard of the diet. In fact, you probably have a friend or family member who has transformed their body like magic with this diet.But in case you didn’t know or just forgot, here’s a quick recap. A diet is an eating style where you consume almost no carbs, moderate amounts of protein, and high amounts of dietary fat. So, you’ll be eating tasty high-fat meals like ribeye steak with roasted garlic and butter. “Why would you do that?” you may wonder. Well, a very low carb intake puts you into a state called “ketosis.” You see, under regular circumstances, your body relies for the most part on glucose (the stored form of carb).
When you minimize your carb intake, however, there's not enough glucose available for your body to fuel all its functions. And because some tissues like your brain cannot use fat for fuel, your body needs an alternative energy source to stay alive.
That’s where come in. Ketones are chemicals produced in your liver when glucose is scarce. Various tissues like your brain can use these ketones for fuel when glucose is absent.[28] That's an excellent outcome because, otherwise, you would die.
Now, when your body uses primarily ketones and fatty acids for fuel, you're in a state called “ketosis.” That’s invaluable because...Ketosis Gives You an “Unfair” Advantage on Your Fat Loss Goals Want proof? Here’s what a meta-analysis of thirteen randomized controlled trials published in the British Journal of Nutrition concluded:[29]
“Individuals assigned to a VLCKD [very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet] achieve a greater weight loss than those assigned to an LFD [low-fat diet] in the long term; hence, a VLCKD may be an alternative tool against obesity.”In fact, two randomized controlled trials found the diet leads to more belly fat loss and produces up to three times as much weight loss as a high-carb, low-fat diet![30-31] That’s right. Those who followed a keto diet lost more fat while eating tasty foods like bacon, scrambled eggs with hot sauce, BBQ wings, and pork rinds nachos. But why is a diet superior for fat loss? Source: Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Jan;87(1):44-55.] There Are Seven Reasons Why the Diet Is the Holy Grail for Fat Lossgraph
Reason #1Significantly increases fat burning As mentioned earlier, insulin is the enemy of fat loss. Elevated levels of this hormone blunt fat burning, all while shuttling energy in your bloodstream into your fat cells.On a diet, however, insulin levels drop, which not only benefits your health but also significantly boosts fat burning.[32-33] Reason #2
It’s simple and easy to follow The diet is very simple to follow, and you’ll enjoy yourself as you diet. After all, what’s not to love about losing fat while being able to eat tasty, high-fat foods like bacon, eggs, cheese, and steak?graph Reason #3Hunger cravings will fade
I'll tell you a secret. You'll never lose fat and keep it off on any diet that leaves you hungry. Hunger is an irresistible force. Sooner or later, hunger always defeats willpower.That’s why nearly all diets fail. Eventually, you can’t take the cravings anymore, and you’ll regain all that lost weight by binging. On top of that, you’ll likely gain some extra weight to boot The diet, however, brings hunger to a dead-end stop. When you go, you won’t feel hungry. That's why this eating style is superior for losing fat and keeping it off.In others words, you’ll not only look fantastic in the “after” photo but also in the “after the after” photo.Reason #4
You don’t have to exercise to reap the benefits You do not have to work out to lose fat on the diet. However, since following a diet will boost your energy levels drastically after around one week, you will probably become more active, which may motivate you to exercise. That said, you lose fat quickly, whether you’re active or not.graph Reason #5
It’s healthy and safe The diet is not just a fat loss diet; it's also a health diet. In fact, it's probably much safer than the way you eat now. Want proof? Well, various studies show the diet can reduce your heart disease risk by elevating levels of the "good" HDL cholesterol, decreasing blood triglycerides levels, and raising blood pressure.[34-37]
And research also shows the diet can boost mental health; reduce depression; act therapeutically against various neurological conditions; prevent, manage, and even reverse type 2 diabetes; and maybe even prevent and fight some types of cancer.[38-43]Reason #6
You’ll lose weight like clockwork Right after you begin your customized meal plan, you'll start to lose fat automatically. You don't even have to think about nutrition all the time. In fact, since you'll never be hungry while following this diet, you would probably forget you were on a diet if you weren't losing fat so fast. So, how much fat do you want to shed? And how eagerly do you want to enhance your health? With your custom meal plan, you’ll finally have control over your health and figure. Here’s what you’ll get if you start today: An eight-week meal plan based on the experience and expertise of industry leaders.That includes nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to ensure you make optimal progress toward your dream figure.A diet optimized to your own ideal calorie and macro intake.If you mess up your calorie and macro intake, you might as well not even start a diet. That's why we base your meal plan on science-based methods to figure out the ideal calorie and macro intake for your situation and goals.Delicious meals based on your food preferences.
We’ve done extensive research and testing and united with top-leading chefs to provide you with mouth-watering recipes. You’ll get meals customized to your food preferences to ensure you’ll look forward to each meal. This not only makes your diet enjoyable, but also helps you make a long-lasting change.Instructions on how to further customize your meals.For each meal, we’ll provide you with options to further customize your diet to your preferences. For instance, if you don’t feel like eating bacon, you may have the choice to replace it with beef.A meal plan with lots of food variety.Your meal plan will contain a wide range of different foods.This ensures you’ll get a broad spectrum of nutrients, while also making sure dieting stays enjoyable.Crystal clear, step-by-step recipe instructions.
Even if you have no cooking experience, preparing your meals will be a breeze. All you have to do is follow your "paint-by-the-numbers" instructions and reap the rewards that come with it.A downloadable grocery list.Stop wasting countless hours in the supermarket. You’ll get a downloadable shopping list for each week that details every needed ingredient you’ll need in the upcoming seven days.And much more…That was just a quick overview of what you’ll get. As you can see, our custom diet plans leave no stone unturned. We've done everything we can to design a convenient, effective, and enjoyable meal plan to help you reach your health and body shape goals.They Did It With dietdietdiet You’ll Get Your Custom Meal Plan for Less Than 5% of What You Would Normally Pay Having a personalized nutrition plan created just for you can get REALLY expensive REALLY fast.
If you go to a nutritionist, you'll pay around $100 for your initial meeting and an average of $400 per month for modifications and check-ins. So, for an 8-week nutrition plan, expect to pay around $900.And after spending all that money, it's very likely you'll end up with the same outcome as the rest of their clients: devastated with your results and clueless about what to do next.I know how it feels because I've been there myself... forking over thousands of dollars for no results. And I know how shattering it is to spend all that time and money and not even end up close to your ultimate goal.I don’t want you to suffer from such an experience, and that’s why I'm offering this service. My goal is to help people transform their health and figure without going through the unnecessary struggles that often come with it That’s why I offer this service not for $900. In fact, the price is not even 5% of that because if you act today, you’ll get instant access for just $37.I know, this is much less than what you would expect from such a service. But I want to make my custom meal plans available for everyone. And I want to help one million men and women around the world take charge of their health and figure. That’s why I don’t want price to be an issue.guarantee-logo But that’s not all. Besides this low price, I also back you with a robust and straightforward 100% satisfaction guarantee that works like this:Try Your Custom Meal Plan Risk-Free and Judge for Yourself. If You’re Not Satisfied, You’ll Get All Your Money Back It’s simple: if, for any reason you're not satisfied, shoot me a message and ask for a refund. Just tell me you're not happy and you'll get your money back.And by satisfied, I mean you're 100% happy with your custom meal plan. You have no regrets, and you're certain, without a shadow of a doubt, that you've made the right decision.So go ahead and "test drive" your custom meal plan without any financial risk. Order your custom meal plan, try it for 60 days, and see the results. In the unlikely scenario you're unhappy with the service, email us your receipt and we'll return your payment without question.YES, I WANT AN 8-WEEK CUSTOM MEAL PLAN! But listen. This isn’t for everyone...This Service Is NOT for You if: We’ve been around long enough that we’ve noticed there are three types of people we can't help:You don’t take action, but instead want to spend all your spare time trying to figure out the optimal diet.You think you already know what you need to do to build your dream body and you’re unwilling to follow an expert’s instructions.
You're not interested in using science-based dieting strategies but would rather mimic what the average Joe is doing.That being said, if you're looking for a science-based, "Done For You" plan where you’ll lose fat and improve your health while eating delicious foods every meal...Here’s What I Want You to Do Next Are you serious about achieving permanent fat loss and sparking a health transformation? Great! Then here’s how the process works:
Step #1Do This Now Start by clicking here! You’ll see a few questions to answer about your current situation, food preferences, and goals. Nothing crazy. We just need some basic info to understand your circumstances better. Answer these questions as accurately (and honestly) as possible, and make sure your email address is correct so you can receive your meal plan.Step #2 Here’s What Will Happen Next Once you’ve completed the survey, we’ll create your custom meal plan for you. Just enter your payment details to get instant access to your custom-made meal plan.Step #3 Are You Ready?If so, today is the day you rise to the challenge and transform your body and health because ultimately, this service is for people who recognize a great opportunity when they see one and act fast.YES, I WANT AN 8-WEEK CUSTOM MEAL PLAN! The Way I See It, You have Three Options From Here
Option #1 Ignore everything you've just read and change nothing. If you decide to take this path, remember the old saying, "if you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got."Option #2 Try to lose fat and improve your health through "trial and error." Fly solo with the attitude "throw it on the wall and see what sticks." You may reach your goal at some point with this approach, but not without countless frustrations and setbacks that leave you on the verge of giving up.Or, the smartest option…Option #3 Skip all the frustration and take charge of your figure by investing in your custom meal plan. Eat based on a
scientifically-proven method that's crafted to help any person, at any age, and in any situation enjoy long- lasting fat loss results.To get your custom meal plan, click the button below. Go through the questionnaire. Enter your payment details. Just like that. You'll get instant access to your custom meal plan. You’ll be able to start your new diet within minutes of ordering!I've never been more excited and proud about one of my programs than as I am now. And I can't wait for you to enjoy the life-changing results you'll get by investing in yourself today.YES, I WANT AN 8-WEEK CUSTOM MEAL PLAN!
Here’s to your future transformation! Rachel Roberts P.S. Imagine what you may look like just weeks from now.Week by week, you’ll stand in front of the mirror with a tape measure in your hands and a smile on your face that won’t disappear. Your stomach, arms, and hips will be so leaned down you’ll think it’s not “your” body. You’ll have to pinch yourself to prove it’s really “all you.”Is that something that would transform your life? If so, I urge you to take your first step to a leaner, healthier you while this offer is still on your mind.
P.P.S. You simply cannot lose here. You're either delighted with the meal plans or get your money back. That's right. Try out this invaluable service risk-free. Go for it! You won't be disappointed! YES, I WANT AN 8-WEEK CUSTOM MEAL PLAN!
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Monday, December 9, 2019
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